Fuyo finished the puppy course … she finished as the last one. 15 pups got more points that she did. Was I disappointed … no, not at all. Kidding, I was!!! My dog, the last one, my pride suffered… I had always the best grades. I was always on top of the class, at least…well… A. said that her diploma looks 100% better that the ones he has been getting from school…now we know from whom she got it ;)).
Currently we are following the next course. This one is suppose to help us to go through the puberty period. Yes, she is more then 4 months, changing her teeth, being annoying and pushing “her way” from time to time.
The first two lessons, I had the feeling that she didn’t give a shit to do anything we asked for. Until today I had my doubts if we ever going to teach her something and pass the exams in December…and today…WOW...the miracle happened. She was behaving very good, sit, down, wait, come …like all the words found the right drawer in her tiny brain. I loved her; I was proud and wanted to squeeze her from the happiness. The lesson for us…we have to practice more and she will learn a lot!
Fuyo and her friend Jaba from the puppy course