dinsdag 16 maart 2010


I have borrowed a book from K. She is well known from having a “non-standard” books, interesting, well written, funny, exciting but always with more than one dimension. What I got now is “Hopscoth” (Spanish: “Rayuela”, Polish: “Gra w klasy”), a novel by Argentine author Julio Cortázar. One book, two stories.

The first story you can read as usual, starting from the 1st chapter and ending on the 56th, the second you start with the chapter 73 and follow a specific order... 73-1-2-116-3-84 (…) 131. I thought, for a change I will play with this book and went a unconventional way. I am not sure if it would make any difference. I started the book but not finished yet… while reading I feel … stupid. I do not understand the plot. I have to go through the worlds as: hedonism, anachronism, antagonism, transcendentalism, penelopism, and many similar ones, I read the long sentences once or twice to understand and I am really tired after one chapter (the chapters are not that long). I have not been working so hard on a book since my high school when I had to read the obligatory books for Polish lessons.

I am stubborn and I will finish the book over my dead body (brain) and maybe, just maybe I will have a deeper thoughts afterwards which I won’t miss to share with K.

zaterdag 13 maart 2010


My mum is lovely. Two months ago I have accidently discover a very good literature magazine called “Ivy” ( “Bluszcz”). I have immediately sms my mum and asked her to buy me a current issue. This morning I got two, shipped from Poland. They are lying next to me, new, untouched, waiting to tell many interesting stories. Interviews with the writers, actors, producers, books reviews, short fiction stories, pieces of the interesting books, 170 pages of an different world… I love it!

People can write, damn, people can write in interesting and passionate way … people have imagination and gift to change world in to the text so brilliant that makes somebody like me to lose the grip of reality, what’s written matters, rest is less important.

The title of the magazine is so well matched with the feeling you get while reading … you are snarled with the stories like the a tree with Ivy branches.

vrijdag 12 maart 2010

Friday evening…

… 20 min walk with the dog, one pizza and one glass of wine later … the weekend can finally begin. I have no plans for coming two days … sport only … good, I need it. We have like 20 films to watch and also waiting for Brothers and Sisters Season 2 to be ready … for once in a while it is nice not to do and not to be …
By the way I have just finished a new, old book (1961) “Solaris” by Stanislaw Lem now I want to see the film with George Clooney despite the fact that a lot of people think the film sucks….