175g bitter melon, 4 eggs, soya sauce, sunflower oil, salt, white pepper, garlic, rice or bread.
Wash the bitter melon, cut in half and take out the seeds (white inside with the seeds actually). You can use only the hard, green side, cut in to pieces app. 2 cm and put it in to the bowl add the salt and mix. Let it for 30 min. The salt will take the bitterness out from the fruit. Mix the eggs with soya souse to get the mix with a bit of foam. Put the oil in to the pan, add garlic, bitter melon and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add the prepared eggs and cook for 1-2 minutes till the omelet will be light brown.
In the meantime prepare the rice or bread.
When ready, put the omelet on the rice or bread, add a bit of white pepper and sweet chili sauce.