Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you babe…
It was such a long time ago that I, or I should say rather, WE have been climbing.
I am not going to explain why we had to stop, but after almost two months, we are on track again. I have to admit, this is not the level that we had … I could do 5A, and K. could even do 5B and from time to time attack 6A… and now…we start with 4+ , our muscles hurt, our arms hurt, our Egos hurt.
For those people that are wondering, what the fuck I am talking about, explanation…
French climbing grating:
“Grades are numerical, starting at 1 (very easy) and the system is open-ended. Each numerical grade can be subdivided by adding a letter (a, b or c). Examples: 2, 4, 4b, 6a, 7c. An optional + may be used to further differentiate difficulty. For example, these routes are sorted by ascending difficulty: 5c+, 6a, 6a+, 6b, 6b+…”
So…we decided to climb regularly, do not complain, do our best…and reach the TOP!

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