woensdag 21 januari 2009

Intuition Winter Event…

That was a long time a go that I went to the party…this one was long needed, just relax, dink, dance and forget about the work, e-mails and hectic weeks days. Five hours went in a split of the second (almost) and we had to go home not fulfilled at all, ok, maybe a little…

The music was great, especially Menno did his best (as always). I had a talk with his younger brother who is also trying to be a DJ by playing “Drum & Bass” so I will not be his fan. Now, I am searching where to go, what to do, the Trance Energy comes the same time as my skiing holidays, Cosmic Gate is playing more often in PL than in NL, for Sensation we have to wait still long time, as they say … you can’t have everything…

Ah one advice…do not try to hug the dog when you drunk…you can lose the eye…

donderdag 15 januari 2009


Now days everything is important, urgent, very critical to be done and dressed in the exclamation point…

How to prioritize when everything should be done yesterday, little time to relax, stop for the moment and think…

How many people do things automatically, alarms go off , shower, breakfast, coffee, walking the dog or not, running for the train/bus/car, traffic, good morning everyone, email one…coffee, email 20…coffee, email 50, lunch, soup, bread, cheese, thank you, email 60…coffee, joke, ha ha ha, meeting, email 75…water, email 85, have good evening, tired, train/metro/car, traffic, home, grocery shopping, dog/cat/goldfish, dinner, tv/computer/children/sport, sleep…

Maybe I should write the stories in the morning or during the holidays, to describe the world a bit more colorful…

Some dogs have a beautiful life…one of them is lying next to me and dreaming … can dogs dream?

dinsdag 6 januari 2009

Shit, shit, shit…

I hate days like this! Nothing works and everything falls on my head. I am the whole day busy, bla, bla, bla, the day is over and still so much to do! Frustrating... where is the sun that helps to survive the winter.

zondag 4 januari 2009


Well, I thought that he was play backing in the film … you know, the “special effects” but apparently not … he can play and he can sing...

Let me introduce to you … Hugh Laurie in "America".

vrijdag 2 januari 2009

H is back…

The 5th season of House MD… I have not realized that there were 11 new episodes. I have all of them, saw already four today (privileges of being sick). New stories and he remains the same … sharp, funny and ass as always, just brilliant…

donderdag 1 januari 2009


…and we have a New Year, new beginning and new hopes… but lets see what the old year brought to my life…

 New job
 Fuyo
 Skiing group (this year second holidays together)
 Car
 Running (still not serious participation in any official runs)
 This blog and 71 posts
 A lot of good moments with my family and friends
 Few good parties and few bad ones
 Some really good books… and few movies
 Stolen bike

What will the New Year bring, we will see…I have wished to my family and friends a lot of happiness, health, persistence in reaching the goals, this tiny bit of luck that helps to arrange things, to be at the right place at the right moment … and love, lots of love!