zondag 27 januari 2008

Keep smiling….

I have a very weird period in my life, it happens from time to time, always in the winter time when the weather sucks and there is no sun what so ever. Strangely enough, the days are passing like crazy and every Friday I am thinking, WHAT, where is the week gone? Well, with the weekends is even worse…I have the impression that somebody is forwarding the time a bit… when I am not looking. But, hey, it is not that bad, there are always people around that make me happy…….

zaterdag 26 januari 2008

Sobota czas na Idola ;)

To jest po prostu straszne, czekam na sobote zeby zasiacs przed TV i ogladac Idola cz. 4 (wersja Holenderska). Musze stwierdzic, ze w tym roku konkurencja jest ostra i cztery lasencje wymiataja repertuarem. W przeciwienstwie do wielu osob, moja faworytka jest Pauline, na ktora zaczne glosowac od dzis, co by mi z grupy nie odpadla, bo nie bede miala na co czekac caly tydzien. Dlaczego wlasnie ona... bo najstarsza a ja sie ze starszymi rocznikami soliradyzuje, ale oprocz tego to ma cos takiego w glosie, ze mnie ciarki przechodza. Tak mi sie wydaje, ze to jest wlasnie to doswiadczenie i ta chrypka, och jak ja lubie chrypki, nawet u siebie, co wystepuje jedynie po koncertach, alkoholu, gadaniu przez 5 godzin z rzedu (wiadomo czemu ;)) i powrotach nad ranem bez szalika................

maandag 21 januari 2008

4ever-fun, maybe not so simple...

I was thinking, well what can I do to make myself less stressed and more happy. I added all the pluses, deducted all the minuses and what I got is “change the job girl”. It is not easy, I must say, it is like sailing in to the dip see from a well known harbour (I have never done but I can imagine). I had this experience one year ago. The only difference now is the freedom to choose without any restriction such as f**kin’ work permit. This makes me happy. I wonder, will I feel and see the difference? I guess so. Till now I have refreshed my “old connections”, people that I once worked for and with ….. the power of networking…..