I am a quite simple person, A. would say something completely else, I know... but do not listen to him. I do not like: stress, false and dull people, bad food, fights, disco-polo and other folk music, be rushed, be hungry and be tired when there is no place to sleep. Maybe I could find some more things, but today I am in a good mood. What I like is: leaving to my work (still) and coming home when A. cooks for me, the sunny day and the rainy night, my birthday and birthday of others, a nice book and a good film, the scrap booking and playing games, climbing and the salads by V&D, shower and music....and a loooot more.... so why, while I like more than I dislike, the happiness seems to be a scarcity in my life.... to be or not to be...to be bee or not to be bee ....
For curious people...this is my world now...
MOL Creation in Rotterdam at Europe Container Terminals