maandag 28 juli 2008
Mirelle Matieu feeding the cat...
Almost every morning I see a woman, who looks almost exactly like Mirelle Matieu, giving Whiskas to the homeless cat…This morning I was even sitting next to her in the train…I had a close look at her behind my “Metro” newspaper…I remember this French singer very well, because of the program which was showed every Sunday on Polish TV - Best whishes and the songs… “Koncert zyczen”. I was like 7 years old, sitting in front of the black and white TV set, watching and listening to the little woman with the strong voice…and 25 years later, in the Netherlands she is feeding cats…weird world…

zondag 27 juli 2008
Mama would be proud...
To those people that don’t know me that good, I want to say that I am cooking and not only from the packages or pre-prepared ingredients. If you take a chicken breast, the carrots, cheese, an egg and roll all of it in the Chinese cabbage leafs, you will get “Gołąbki [gɔ’wɔmpki]”. I made it!!! It took me 15 min to prepare them, 15 min to cook them and 15 min to eat them (not alone). Lekker zeg…

zaterdag 26 juli 2008
I am not the ignorant…

I am just not aware about things around me. Friday during the lunch I have been told about the nice museum of M.C.Escher…in The Hague. I live here more than eight years (the time flies) and I have never been there…funny enough, I know the work of Mr. Escher…once, like ten years ago when I knew how to use a pencil and a paint, I have copied one of his drawings …. Up and Down (1947). I admire people with great imagination and the possibilities to look at things from a different perspective…and his perspective is …. QUITE different. Shapes, dimensions, black and white and the eternity…
dinsdag 22 juli 2008
ER during the night hours...
Do you know what is worst than 6 hours of sleep? I will tell you,4 hours of sleep…
This can happen when your dog will eat something which was not exactly for her/him… The entire “show” started at half past three in the morning … poor Fuyo…and poor us. My mum said long time ago that a sick man at home it is a night mare… but I think, sick dog at home that is the nightmare times two… Luckily, when I was leaving to my work, everything was back to normal. Now, 10:20 p.m., I am ready to grasp as much sleep as I can… I am not that good in power napping...at my work.
This can happen when your dog will eat something which was not exactly for her/him… The entire “show” started at half past three in the morning … poor Fuyo…and poor us. My mum said long time ago that a sick man at home it is a night mare… but I think, sick dog at home that is the nightmare times two… Luckily, when I was leaving to my work, everything was back to normal. Now, 10:20 p.m., I am ready to grasp as much sleep as I can… I am not that good in power napping...at my work.

zondag 20 juli 2008
White and black…
And this is not about the song from Michael Jackson …. La la la la Black and whiteeeee… that the video clip (that time) has cost the fortune (not for M.J.)…and was super, was high tech with a lot of computer effect … This is about our lovely Fuyo and the morning walk in the rain… in Westerpark in Zoetermeer.



And so it is...
I almost forgot…but the rainy Sunday helped me to remember and recall this song…and the movie “Closer”, which is as good as the song…in my opinion …
Jut sit on the sofa after walking in the rain… sit with cup of tee, the blanket … and listen…
Damien Rice...
Jut sit on the sofa after walking in the rain… sit with cup of tee, the blanket … and listen…
Damien Rice...
zaterdag 19 juli 2008
Listen Baby...
Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you babe…
It was such a long time ago that I, or I should say rather, WE have been climbing.
I am not going to explain why we had to stop, but after almost two months, we are on track again. I have to admit, this is not the level that we had … I could do 5A, and K. could even do 5B and from time to time attack 6A… and now…we start with 4+ , our muscles hurt, our arms hurt, our Egos hurt.
For those people that are wondering, what the fuck I am talking about, explanation…
French climbing grating:
“Grades are numerical, starting at 1 (very easy) and the system is open-ended. Each numerical grade can be subdivided by adding a letter (a, b or c). Examples: 2, 4, 4b, 6a, 7c. An optional + may be used to further differentiate difficulty. For example, these routes are sorted by ascending difficulty: 5c+, 6a, 6a+, 6b, 6b+…”
So…we decided to climb regularly, do not complain, do our best…and reach the TOP!
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you babe…
It was such a long time ago that I, or I should say rather, WE have been climbing.
I am not going to explain why we had to stop, but after almost two months, we are on track again. I have to admit, this is not the level that we had … I could do 5A, and K. could even do 5B and from time to time attack 6A… and now…we start with 4+ , our muscles hurt, our arms hurt, our Egos hurt.
For those people that are wondering, what the fuck I am talking about, explanation…
French climbing grating:
“Grades are numerical, starting at 1 (very easy) and the system is open-ended. Each numerical grade can be subdivided by adding a letter (a, b or c). Examples: 2, 4, 4b, 6a, 7c. An optional + may be used to further differentiate difficulty. For example, these routes are sorted by ascending difficulty: 5c+, 6a, 6a+, 6b, 6b+…”
So…we decided to climb regularly, do not complain, do our best…and reach the TOP!

donderdag 17 juli 2008
zondag 13 juli 2008
Sunday evening... the sun is back...
Weekend is almost gone but it seems that the sun suddenly got the idea to shine for the while. A. is working and me with the big headache trying to enjoy the last hours of Sunday. I know for sure that if Fuyo would not be here I would be just hanging on my couch. Because of her … even the headache has a ray of light.

zaterdag 12 juli 2008
First needs…
Lately I have been thinking…why people want some things so much…and want them RIGHT NOW …Yesterday A. sent me sms from her new iPhone happy as a child in the candy store (I could not see her but I can imagine…). She bought it after waiting in line from the midnight, I hope that was midnight because I saw people standing there already at 9 pm. The shop organized the pre-sell from 0:00 till 2:00, since yesterday was officially the first day that the iPhone was available in NL. I would never do it , never, nooit, niet, nie … why not wait couple of days…I know, never say never but still…
The same is with the books or CD’s…why people want to have them immediately?? Why wait hours in front of the shops… is it some kind of rush or addiction…?? What will happen if they will buy it later??… I guess I will never know…if I have to wait more than 15 min. for something I get annoyed…and I am just looking at the lady or guy behind the counter thinking that my gaze speed their movements…
The same is with the books or CD’s…why people want to have them immediately?? Why wait hours in front of the shops… is it some kind of rush or addiction…?? What will happen if they will buy it later??… I guess I will never know…if I have to wait more than 15 min. for something I get annoyed…and I am just looking at the lady or guy behind the counter thinking that my gaze speed their movements…
vrijdag 11 juli 2008
Sensation White…
I know that a lot of people think that Sensation White has been commercialized for all those years of existence but I like it… not love it… but like it. It was my second time that I’ve been there. This time I went with A. and A. The theme this year was “Ocean of white” and it was…and the ocean and the white. The top DJ, Fedde le Grand, rest did not count for me… Looking around you could see some of the people jumping like the mead man, in the trance, after some drugs…power, power…dance, dance…We, on the other hand went home at 3 am…where our “white sensation” has been waiting to go out…

donderdag 3 juli 2008
woensdag 2 juli 2008
I want to have…
Yes, I want to have a lot,a lot time to sleep, time to work over hours, time to read, time to scrap, time to see my friends and time to play with Fuyo, time to go see the movies in the cinema, time to sport, time to walk on the beach and time to breath, time to take a long bath, time to have long talks with A., time to travel and time to visit places all over the world, time to have children and time to paint, time to clean the house and time to organize it ….Why we have so little time and we have to choose what and when … that is not fair …so many things … so many things ….
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