donderdag 24 september 2009

Where is the time…

Time flies. Yesterday was Monday, I thought, but tomorrow is Friday… where are the days in between… who is crossing out the days from my calendar and my life… I protest, I am not happy that the next weekend has come because it means I am 7 days older…

I did not see A. for three days, waking up at 6 a.m. going to bed at 22 p.m. and he other way around… I feel like the characters from the book I have just finished…. “Solitude of prime numbers” by Paolo Giordano. How real and sad is that story… how painful and depressing but how TRUE… I think that many people leave like this but not everyone realizes that or is afraid to admit, even to themselves… We all have our traumas, secrets and dark side … don’t we?

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