What a day, what a day … actually weekend… first of all I was celebrating my new job…yes, I have got an offer and I took it with a big smile on my face! The timing was perfect because before I spoke with the HR manager I got an e-mail from E. “what are you doing tonight?” so I have called her immediately with the answer, “listen give me 5 seconds and I will tell you what I am going to do”. So quickly calling back the “new” company (they left the message on my voicemail to call them back) … getting the answer “YES, WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOU”, calling E. back “we are drinking tonight”, calling A. “we are drinking tonight”, calling P. "we are drinking tonight”, calling ... and we went after my work and after we have gathered together at my place…it was a shame that part of the group went to another bar (to drank to switch the clubs later on), and E. wanted to go home, but, hey, A. is always a good buddy to party with…so we did, to the end of the night or if you look from the other side, to the early morning….Mojito has been our drink…as always…a good friend and a good drink… JUST CELEBRATE!!!
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