vrijdag 29 februari 2008
End of the story…
I cannot believe, this is the end, end of the story, no excuses and no regrets. I have finished officially my old job, money has been paid, hand shake for goodbye has been shared, what's left, a strange feeling in my head, next time I will be smarter. Somebody reminded me about the old saying, old that's mean not new for me, I must admit, I heard this before…”someone who has got a soft heart, has to have a hard ass”, I could not agree more…lesson for the future. Now I will forget for a while about jobs, money and daily fights, now I will have the whole week of leisure, skiing, eating the fresh bread with the salty butter, making photos, reading books, playing games and breathing the clean, frosty air. Nendaz…the place where I will be…
donderdag 28 februari 2008
My favorite, everything…
I don’t like when A. is a bit “right” and definitely I don’t like when he is totally “right”, because it’s mean that I am, on the other side, being wrong… But here we are, he is….right, a bit, ok, a bit more. I have tendency of walking around and when I see something, hear some music, smell something or eat something that I like, I simply say “oh this is my favorite!!!!”. I cannot help that I like a lot of … everything… A. said that we will never participate in the quiz, where couples have to find out the favorites of the other “half”. First of all, he thinks it’s just stupid and I fully agree on that one. Secondly, he would not know what the f*** is my favorite food, TV soap, film, drink, color, band, artist, actor, underwear, sport, restaurant, disco, nail polish, hair color or hair cut….. I thought, “how dare you” and than “oh shit, that’s f*** bad news ”, but actually, it is not. I am not boring, sitting in my favorite armchair, watching my favorite film, drinking my favorite drink, wearing my favorite soaks, eating my favorite food over and over again…. I AM NOT….By the way…MY favorite TV soap right now…HOUSE MD…he is just a brilliant asshole…. I love it!

dinsdag 26 februari 2008
The flowers, the Japanese food and the goodbye…
That was it, one year and one month… what have I gained… couple of very good friends, couple of good friends, couple of friends, couple of colleagues and couple of … personal experience that will help me in the future. A. said this morning, “wonderful feeling, isn’t it?”. Actually, to my surprise, no, it was not, not yet, it will come. I had a good evening yesterday, my colleagues officially said “good bye” to me, we had nice sushi, less nice fish sup with the tofu “shit” and we had BBQ some meat. I have seen our…ok… their DEXE hanging there and must say, weirdly enough, I will miss all this for a while. What left are my genes pushing tears to my eyes…

vrijdag 22 februari 2008
you had a bad day, so what...
Don't you ever had a bad day at the office, I guess you did…and maybe if everyone would let the frustration go out of the system, we would be feeling much better. However, there are also the cons of such a behaviour such as: your colleagues will not like you anymore, your boss would be disappointed if not pissed of, your office equipment can be harmed, you could lose the job, your wife/husband would yell and shout that you are the looser, your children would lose their “role model” ….. but if you keep everything inside, you could end up in the white room with no windows and soft walls … it is only YOU that matter at the end of the day….what am I talking about…. I do not know…two more days…two more days… this is the film that T. introduced to our team…. How many of you would like to do something like this….ME, Myself and I !!!
zondag 17 februari 2008
Hiep hiep hoera = hip hip hura

What a day, what a day … actually weekend… first of all I was celebrating my new job…yes, I have got an offer and I took it with a big smile on my face! The timing was perfect because before I spoke with the HR manager I got an e-mail from E. “what are you doing tonight?” so I have called her immediately with the answer, “listen give me 5 seconds and I will tell you what I am going to do”. So quickly calling back the “new” company (they left the message on my voicemail to call them back) … getting the answer “YES, WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOU”, calling E. back “we are drinking tonight”, calling A. “we are drinking tonight”, calling P. "we are drinking tonight”, calling ... and we went after my work and after we have gathered together at my place…it was a shame that part of the group went to another bar (to drank to switch the clubs later on), and E. wanted to go home, but, hey, A. is always a good buddy to party with…so we did, to the end of the night or if you look from the other side, to the early morning….Mojito has been our drink…as always…a good friend and a good drink… JUST CELEBRATE!!!
donderdag 14 februari 2008
That's it...
woensdag 13 februari 2008
Too much and too many…
And the next day almost gone…well I am not complaining, no no no, I am thinking positive because only 1 day to my second interview (my snot must have impressed the HR manager), only 9 days to the “Trance Energy” (Girls Are You Ready!!!), only 6 days of work in “big brother” and only 16 days to my skiing holidays (I bought a new ski trousers na na na na na na)…..so … I am happy, life is good, full of opportunities, friends, good weather, green grass, joyful mornings and idyllic evenings, birds are singing, everyone is smiling, shining with positive energy and so kind to each other…it must be this Valentine’s Day that is knocking to our doors…and then I woke up, and everything was normal again…only 1 day to my second interview, only 6 days of working…………
maandag 11 februari 2008
Muzyczna dzi(e)wka...
Ostatnio podjelam konwersacje z moja kuzynka na temat muzyki, ktora lubimy. Konwersacja nie byla zbyt dluga, poniewaz nie mozna trzymac farby na wlosach dluzej niz 30 min...bo wyjdzie szit, nie kolor...i skupila sie do jednego outcomu...nie przebieramy w muzyce...tz przebieramy ale praktycznie kazdy rodzaj nam pasi...od Trance poprzez Rock by skonczyc na Poezji spiewanej...zalezy tylko gdzie, z kim i i w jakim nastroju jestesmy. Owe odkrycie potwierdza fakt ilosci posiadanych "ulubionych kawalkow" i happeningow, na ktore chodzimy a takze wartosci gotowki wydawanej na wyzej wymienione. No ale jak to mozna lubiec tylko jedno skoro do okola tyle innych? Na przyklad, moje nowe otkrycie, Moke, holenderska kapela, ktora ku mojej uciesze bedzie na Pink Pop (taki holenderski woodstock przy niemieckiej granicy).........
vrijdag 8 februari 2008
The naked truth about me…

I am sick that’s fact number one. My head is exploding, I am sneezing and bowing my nose every 5 second, I have a fever and my chest gives a strange noise when I am coughing, like I am a robot without the oil inside, and not the shiny Sonny from “I, Robot” but the old one R2-D2…. Fact number two is that it began on Tuesday, yes the “holy” Tuesday, when I had an interview and I wanted to be seen as the perfect candidate. Somebody told me ….Ardy I guess….that the first impression is the most important one. If you give first good impression it takes 7 bad ones to destroy it ….and vice versa. How about red nose, watery eyes and snot to the floor?? Will it count as “+” or as “-”…? Anyway, the good thing is that the next day they asked me to do the Thomas (PPA) test. As I was on the pills, no no no that ones that you think, I must did it pretty honest, because when I got the feedback my fever almost dropped below 0°C. Am I really so: compliant, dependable, careful, deliberate, systematic, friendly, precise, persistent, accurate, good listener, perfectionist, kind, logical, influential, persuasive, verbal, communicative, non-demanding, hesitant, mild and accommodating?????? And is it good or bad...???
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