What a day, what a day…
God said that the Sunday should be the day to rest, well this was not a case today…I feel as I have created the whole world just today.
Morning, around 7:00 o’clock I have waked up before the alarm went off…nervous before EG exam (Elementaire Gehoorzaamheid – Elementary Obedience) for Fuyo which was scheduled at 8:30. The exam went good. Not perfect, but come on, both Fuyo and me are note the “morning people”. The exam is build from 12 parts (see below, with the star obligatory part) and I think Fuyo’s score will be as follow:
1. Greetings * => 5,5 points ;(
2. Standing, being checked and showing the teeth * => 6 points
3. Walking on the lash* => 6 points
4. Sit and wait (at 5 meter distance) 30 seconds => 10 points ;))
5. Down and wait (at 5 meter distance) 1 minute* => 10 points ;))
6. Coming and sitting in front* => 10 points ;))
7. Sit next the foot from sitting in front => 10 points ;))
8. Attention exercise down/sit on the hand signal => 9 points
9. Bringing the toy and lay in hand => 9 points
10. Sending forward => 10 points ;))
11. Running the triangle => 7 points (I hope)
12. Total picture of all => 8 points (I wish)
10 minutes went fast, no time for corrections but as far as I know we have passed the exam. Fuyo’s diploma will be sent home and she is first on the list for the next curse which starts in September.

(Source: KC de Hofstad in Den Haag)
We had to hurry home because at 10:00 need to start our trip to Drenthe for Fuyo’s version of Sensation White.
Location: Forest in Drenthe
Dress code: White
Doors open: 13:00
Entrée: Free
There ware approximately 15 white shepherds, running freely and playing with each other. Most of the owners and breeders were from the northern part of Holland, we had to drive 2, 5 hours to get there but it was worth. First 15 minutes Fuyo was nervous, a bit disoriented, not knowing what to do with all this dogs running around. Eventually, she has relaxed, started to play, snuffle around, run with the other dogs and even participated in stealing the sticks and swimming. We came back at 6:00 p.m. after the whole day of excitements …
Some pictures below…